
Sunday, 29 August 2010

Nair Exfoliating Hair Removal Cream – Review

A couple of months ago I bought a hair removal cream (can’t remember the brand) for the first time, I guess I expected too much because I was really disappointed with the result. So I dismissed that method of removing hair, until recently when I decided to try it out again and bought Nair hair removal cream priced £5.99/$9.29 for 200ml.

I bought it because it was the most expensive item of its type in the store, which allowed me to decide whether it’s the quality of the first cream that showed bad results or just the fact that this method doesn’t work.

The item in its self is very well presented, with pleasant colours and clear text, generally pleasing to the eye. It also claims to be dermatologicaly tested, exfoliating and moisturising with “up to 7 days of smoothness”.

Straightaway after applying, it gave off a really bad smell; it’s tolerable but quite strong. I waited for 5 minutes as instructed and when I checked all the hair wasn’t removed, so I waited a bit longer (it instructed that 5 minutes was the perfect time, but could wait longer as long as it wasn’t above 10 minutes). So when I finally checked after about 9 minutes, most off the hair came off, but still left about 3 millimetres of the hair which looked very messy and uneven. I applied it a couple more times, to get the final hair off, all in all about 4 applications.

Eventually I just went and shaved the remaining hair, partially because I was bored of the cream and because I got pretty much the best out of it and it stopped working on that left hair. I’m not a perfectionist, I don’t expect perfect results, but I want a substitute for the conventional methods such as the shaver, as it sometimes hurts my skin and leaves scars. So when I got the Nair cream I didn’t expect it to be perfect, but for it to at least replace the shaver.

I have to say I wasn’t impressed, and I don’t think it was the brand in particular, I just think this method of hair removing doesn’t really work; maybe they need time to develop this technique further.

Having said that, I wouldn’t rule out this method all together, my skin did feel smooth after the cream and then the shaving, if you are a patient person, prepared to put time into it and shave after using it then perhaps you’ll enjoy this product.

I also have to add that we all have different types of hair, so this product might work better for some than others, also might work better on different body areas like leg hair and facial hair better than pubic hair, as it is thicker. So, although this product isn’t for me, others might disagree.

Thank you for reading!

Saturday, 28 August 2010

Jolen cream bleach – review!

I’ve recently purchased Jolen crème bleach for £4.99/$7.75 for my brow hair which I don’t want to pluck, just because it was affordable and the only product of its type that I found in Boots (store). So naturally I didn’t expect much, but it did prove me wrong.

The packaging is very accurate and compact and the product comes in a bigger size. The instructions were very easy and simple. They also provided me with a little spatula and a palette for mixing the two formulas together – which I found very economical, as you don’t have to use the whole product in one time, it gives you the option of ‘use how much you need’.

You don’t have to wait long before you can apply it, around 2 minutes, just to let it settle. Then, as the instructions directed I waited for ten minutes and removed the mix with a damp cloth.

The results did impress me, because the area that I bleached was on my face, the brow, hence it wasn’t too rough on my skin even the sensitive skin on my face. It bleached well, with an even effect and the bleached hair was very soft as promised.

I have to say I don’t regret buying it, but I wouldn’t buy it again. That is because although the effect was good and it was affordable, I could get near enough the same result with normal hair bleach from eBay for £0.99/$1.53, plus you’ll get more of the product. I’m not saying that it will be better quality cheaper, but if you are a student like me you want the choice that saves the most money!

However that is not to say I wouldn’t recommend it, it is a good product just maybe less affordable for some people. It proved what claims it maid and I wasn’t disappointed in quality. All in all a good product, with outweighing positives.

Thank you for reading!

How to keep your face moisturised naturally.

 A few months ago my face was so dry that it started to peel. This is every girl’s nightmare and became mine too! I rushed to Boots and got everything I possibly could to get that moisture back. I bought a pile of creams from the leading brands, but after a few weeks I noticed that nothing really changed, that is when I started to panic even more. I thought that maybe it was some kind of skin condition.

 But, my mum came to the rescue. She is a doctor and has studied that subject, hence I didn’t really object to her advice. Later I realised how right she was!

 To keep your skin moisturised do not wash your face with soap every day, not even every other day! Soap contains ethanol which dries skin, by washing away the protective oil layer. It is that layer which naturally keeps your skin moisturised and the more commercial products you use the quicker it will age!

 Wash your face every day with warm water to wash away the dirt and only use soap once a week. I also recommend that you make ice cubes with green tea and vitamin E which both contain natural antioxidants which slow down the aging process and the ice refreshes the skin muscles. Use the ice cubes every evening when you get out of the shower and gently move the ice cube all over your face and neck.

 The only commercial products I use on my face are make up (rarely) and the Clarins make up remover. Don’t forget to remove your make up; don’t ever go to bed with foundation and eyeliner it ruins your skin very badly, so always keep a pack of baby wipes if you make up remover isn’t handy!

 Thank you for reading!